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About this blog

This is my little corner of the world, or at least this website. Where I discuss whatever is on my mind be it work related, life related, or maybe just pictures of cute animals.

Entries in this blog

A Windless Breeze

For a while I found myself playing with the idea of knowing I was in a dream. At first it didn't seem very likely. I'd be awake and then the next moment I would be getting killed. There was no true interlude between the waking hours and the dread. Occasionally a glimmer of difference would peek into the dream. Either something out of place in such a way that I snap out of my dream state. Or the terror of the situation would be so great that I willed myself to consciousness. Immediately closing m


Oafkad in Journal

The Nesting Hells

So here I am. I've discovered a way out of the hell. But will it be enough? This was the question that crossed my mind each night before I slipped off to sleep. The problem with this trick was understanding that I was in a dream. It wasn't quite as fluid as simply going "Oh, I'm dreaming now." Not always at least. Often I would realize I was in a dream because of an incongruity. Someone's name being wrong, a face being off, a room looking slightly askew. Once it clicked I'd realize and close goe


Oafkad in Journal

The boy who died ten thousand and two deaths

It's a little weird when you go outside and meet other people. Because everyone seems so very normal. Nobody mentions the soreness that they feel. They never talk about the unease at the back of their mind. All these little nagging realities of existing are locked away from most conversation. These weaknesses are hidden and at times outright denied. I've always wondered what sort of life I'm witnessing. What experiences have made this person into who they now are? Because I know for me I've got


Oafkad in Journal

Working on my life's clockwork

Been meaning to get back to this. Life has a strange way of ebbing and flowing. Some days you wake up and feel like you could fly around the world. Others your eyes drag in the back of your skull and its a challenge to even be. I think I'm erring more towards the first than the second today. It might be because of the coffee I'm having today. It might be because work is actually moving along well. But regardless of the reason it is.   Our gym is finally complete. Maybe one of these days I'l


Oafkad in Journal

Hey Folks!

Here we are. Blogs are now up and running. I'm going to be expanding access to these to more user types shortly. But for now this is just my way of having that WordPress experience within the forums. I hope once you get access to it that you end up having a good time as well. Just be sure to be kind and have a good time.


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